Erection All Risks Insurance

Erection All Risks Insurance

Section 1: This section provides cover for material damage due to unforeseen and sudden physical loss or damage from any cause other than those specifically excluded from the policy.

Section II: This covers accidental bodily injury or illness of third parties. It also covers accidental loss or damage to property belonging to third parties occurring in direct connection with the erection, construction or testing of the items insured under section 1 which may happen in the immediate vicinity during the period of cover.


Section 1: Excess or deductible, consequential loss faulty design, defective material, loss discovered only at the time of taking an inventory.

Section II: In addition to all exclusions in section 1 above, other exclusions are: bodily injury or employees or workmen of the contractors. Loss of or damage to property belonging to or held in trust or custody or control of the contractor, accident caused by vehicles for general road use liability accepted without the consent of the insurers .

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